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Germany | Toll increase 2023/2024

By 1. November 2023 November 8th, 2023 Headquarter, NEWS

Toll increase 2023/2024

As a nationally and internationally operating pooling company, we would like to inform you in advance about the planned toll increase in 2023 and 2024 of the Bundesfernstraßenmautgesetz (Federal Trunk Road Toll Act) in Germany.

On Friday, October 20, 2023, the Bundestag passed the extension of the toll obligation for trucks as part of the Third Act on the Amendment of Tolling Regulations, which contains some significant changes.

Toll increase as of December 01, 2023

From December 1, 2023, the current truck toll, which currently consists of three toll components
(1. infrastructure costs, 2. air pollution costs and 3. noise pollution costs) will be supplemented or increased by a fourth toll component.

This new toll component now includes the costs for traffic-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and is allocated to the trucks per kilometer subject to toll based on their vehicle characteristics and emission class.

The following toll rates apply per kilometer driven:

Full overview incl. additional emission classes:

Trucks with 3.5 tons liable for toll as of summer 2024

As of July 01, 2024, the weight limit above which tolls apply is planned to be reduced from the current 7.5 tons to 3.5 tons. The technical permissible total mass (tzGm) will be introduced as the new basis for allocation to the respective weight class.

Trucks in this weight range will then have to pay between 15.1 cents (for vehicles with Euro 6 emission standards) and 24.8 cents (for vehicles with Euro 1 or lower standards) per kilometer for tolls.

Vehicles that are considered to be craftsmen’s vehicles and weigh less than 7.5 tons would be exempted from the toll obligation.

Challenges & criticism

The bill was sent to the industry associations on Wednesday morning, April 26, 2023, giving them until Thursday, April 27, 2023 to submit their opinions on the draft.

Statements and position paper BGL (Bundesverband Güterkraftverkehr Logistik und Entsorgung e.V.)

The spokesman of the board of the Federal Association of Road Haulage, Logistics and Disposal (BGL) e.V., Prof. Dr. habil. Dirk Engelhardt, criticized, among other things, the fact that the association’s offices are once again being urged to act quickly and described the overall measures as a cost increase in the name of environmental protection without actually ensuring environmental protection.

Engelhardt also pointed out that only 0.6 percent of German trucks were emission-free on January 1, and that this proportion was as low as 0.03 percent for trailer units.

Vgl.: Stellungnahme des BGL zum Entwurf eines Dritten Gesetzes zur Änderung mautrechtlicher Vorschriften; as of: April 27, 2023

Further statements & position of the BGL on the Third Act to Amend Tolling Regulations:

Statement DSLV (German Freight Forwarding and Logistics Association)

Frank Huster, Managing Director of the DSLV Bundesverband Spedition und Logistik, in this context criticized the fact that neither sufficient vehicles with alternative power systems nor the necessary charging stations or charging infrastructure will be available by the planned date of entry of CO2-based truck toll rates on 1 December 2023 and in the following years.

This would mean that the planned change in toll rates would not have a positive effect on the climate, but would only burden the state coffers.

Cf.: DSLV Bundesverband Spedition und Logistik e. V.: Stellungnahme zum Dritten Gesetz zur Änderung mautrechtlicher Vorschriften; as of: Juni 23, 2023.

Statement DIHK (German Chamber of Industry and Commerce)

The German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) also submitted a compilation of comments to the legislator, which in its view require further examination in the legislative process:

Brief summary

  • Proposal to postpone the start date (01.01.2024)
  • Call for the avoidance of a double burden through the CO2 price
  • Challenges in connection with zero-emission vehicles and CO2 pricing
  • Use of toll funds for different purposes
  • Demand for relief for transport companies that use biogenic fuels

(Cf.: DIHK | Deutsche Industrie- und Handelskammer: Stellungnahme: Anmerkungen zur Mauterhöhung zum 1. Dezember 2023; as of: September 19, 2023)

Summary & outlook

The truck toll is a statutory levy over which we as RECALO GmbH unfortunately have no influence.

Our aim is to further improve sustainability in the logistics industry and to save as much CO2 as possible by maximizing truck utilization and keeping costs to a minimum.

We would like to thank all our customers, partners and forwarders for already helping to avoid one-way solutions and keep CO2 emissions down by using durable reusable load carriers as well as our efficient pooling system.

  • You have questions on the upcoming toll increases?
  • You would like to find out more about our sustainable pooling- and load carrier solutions?

We will gladly provide advice and assistance.